Unique spaces with endless possibilities

At Galileo Early Learning we create a space like home


Thoughtfully planned and welcoming environments are designed to promote learning, reflect and enrich the lives of children in our space.


A safe space for safe sleeping

We understand the importance of offering a quality and peaceful nursery. Sleep is critical for learning and development, so we ensure to respond to children’s individual sleep cues and routine to support the opportunity to learn and socialise in a relevant context.


A sustainable and environmentally friendly space

We make conscious decisions to ensure our centres are low in environmental toxins. We do so, where possible, by sourcing products that contain cleaner, safer and more natural ingredients, as well as by choosing more environmentally-friendly and sustainable products. As our centres are a home away from home, we believe it is essential that the health and wellbeing of the children in our care is supported in every aspect to ensure they are nourished as they develop and grow.


With 2 billion nappies alone being disposed of in Australia each year, contributing to the 450 000 tonnes of waste dumped into landfill (Bare and Boho, 2021) we choose to use a premium range of designer modern cloth nappies. This ensures the children in our care are provided with a more mindful alternative that will better the earth they will one day inherit.


A thoughtfully planned menu putting children’s health first

We ensure children are provided with appropriate and nutritious food throughout the day. We put time and effort into our meal planning so that healthy eating is encouraged and supported throughout our program and practices.


A culturally inclusive space for all

We inspire cultural diversity through recognising our individual culture, the diverse culture of our families and Australia’s indigenous culture.